Girls Inc. Eureka! is a 5-year STEM magnet program for 8th – 12th grade youth, that empowers them to see themselves as an important part of the future workforce. During the Eureka! program, youth participate in a variety of exciting lessons and activities that explore STEM through inquiry-based, critical thinking and hands-on activities in a college campus environment. With complimentary activities in making healthy choices, emerging adulthood, and life skill development, Eureka! fully fosters educational, professional, and personal development.


Eureka! brings youth onto local college and university campuses for an exploratory summer program. As Eureka! continues through the school year, cohorts of youth stay together throughout their five years in the program, sharing hands-on, minds-on, untimed and ungraded opportunities for guided exploration and skills and knowledge building. Youth test themselves mentally and physically and discover that they are capable of far more than they had ever thought possible. Youth and their families are also introduced to the requirements, processes, and resources that will make higher education and STEM employment more accessible.

During the five-year program, participants will:

  • Learn and grow in three summers of four-week summer camp at a local college or university
  • Display leadership and engage in project-based learning in 2 summers of internships
  • Explore many STEM industries and activities via Monthly Learning Sessions throughout the school year
  • Demonstrate their leadership and accumulated learning in their senior year Fifth-Year Leadership Project
  • Build community with their cohort
  • Display academic motivation and self-efficacy
  • Have self-confidence with respect to STEM
  • Make healthy choices about physical activity
  • Take advantage of mentoring, post-secondary preparation, and networking opportunities




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Eureka! Participant Resources

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Eureka! helps youth understand STEM career opportunities and be well prepared to join the community’s workforce in these fields. Without intervention, girls’ interest and confidence in STEM-related fields can begin to wane as early as elementary school. Between 4th and 8th grade, more girls than boys begin to turn away from science, technology, engineering, and math, making it critical to engage girls in middle school before they begin making selections for the high school classes they need to pursue STEM careers. The issue is not just about curiosity in the subject matter, but also confidence in their skills to do the work. Building interest and self-assurance in their STEM abilities early in their education is key, as is ongoing reinforcement throughout high school.

The Eureka! program is a community-wide effort that thrives on partnerships and interactions with schools, community-based organizations, and local businesses and corporations. With our partners’ help, Eureka! incorporates multiple internships during youth’s high school years that provide exposure to real career opportunities. Partners also provide volunteer support, field trips, and funding for the program, ensuring that young people meet role models and mentors who provide support and inspiration.