Impact Story

Amaya’s Story


Amaya was a member of Girls Inc. PNW programming from third grade all the way through high school graduation. She participated in Girls Groups, CommuniCARE, Girls Council (now, Leadership Council), and Eureka!

She used to be someone who would freeze up at the thought of speaking out in front of a class. She lacked confidence at a young age, and as a young girl in the public school system; and more specifically a young girl of color, she began to believe that she wasn’t good enough. When she started Girls Inc. in third grade, she had no idea how much Girls Inc. would make an impact on her life and character. She didn’t come from a background where things like healthy relationships, consent, and obstacles to success were often discussed, and she didn’t always know what exactly was possible. Girls Inc. PNW started these conversations for her.

Not only did the programs and guidance from the people at Girls Inc. PNW create a basis of confidence and empowerment in her life, they motivated her to stop being shy and closed off and instead to fight for what she wanted, speak up, and be active in her community to create change. Girls Inc. taught her how to be a leader. She ended up becoming a Rose Festival Princess, Captain of her Cheer Team, and Vice President of the Black Student Union. 

Amaya graduated in our first Girls Inc. PNW Eureka! class, and from high school in the same year. She is the first person in her family to go to college. She is currently a student at Pitzer College and is involved in the student senate! Most recently, she was connected to an internship at Tillamook through her Girls Inc. PNW network.


Girls Inc. taught me at a young age how to decode and understand the messages the media gave me about who I was supposed to be, what it meant to be an ally to other girls and women, and most importantly, Girls Inc. helped me recognize my ability to achieve in science, technology, engineering and math.